Working Toward Accreditation From EEAA

So much has been happening that I have not updated this blog in a long time. I am going to attempt to correct that oversight in several posts over the next few days, and starting here:

In February, we at Biblijski institut received a candidacy visit from representatives of the European Evangelical Accrediting Association (EEAA). They are an organization that accredits theological seminaries throughout Europe. Their report as a result of the visit was overall positive, with improvements needed in just a few key areas. The accreditation visit will likely happen shortly after the first of next year. Below are some photos from our first meeting together as a faculty and staff, after this candidacy visit. This was the beginning of our work in three different groups. One of the areas we are working on is becoming more collaborative in our work, in such a way that everyone is familiar with various goals and processes, and so can explain the key ideals and learning outcomes of the school to anyone who may ask. Over this year, these three groups will work through the areas identified by EEAA that need improvement, coming up with recommendations and concrete plans for implementation. We are meeting frequently in these groups, and monthly together as a faculty and staff to share our progress and conclusions with everyone. In this way we hope together to become a better and closer learning community.