Biblijski institut Open House

“We wish to popularize reading of the Bible.” Last Friday we hosted an open house for our library at Biblijski institut. The purpose of the day was to raise awareness in the city about our library and its resources.  The day started with official presentations at our reading room on Gajeva street. The group then […]

Second Kidz Klub

  Today we had our second Kidz Klub of the school year. Kidz Klub is a monthly outreach we do with neighborhood children. This is done both as a follow-up to our Champs Camp for kids last summer, and as a prelude to Champs Camp next summer. This way we have an on-going children’s ministry […]

Mission to Vukovar: The Valley of Blessing

Destruction in Vukovar Famous destroyed water tower in Vukovar I spent last weekend in Vukovar, in far eastern Croatia. Vukovar is the Croatian city that suffered the most damage in the war during the early 1990s. It is right on the border with Serbia. The city was almost entirely destroyed in the war and most […]

New Croatian Visa!

After about a six week process, and many trips to the local police station, I finally received my new Croatian Visa yesterday. Now I am again legal in the country until next September, when I have to go through this process again. Thanks to God for His provision in this.

Kidz Klub

Last Saturday we had our first Kidz Klub of this school year. It was a success! We spent the weekend before talking with kids and parents out in the parks in the neighborhood where we do the Kids Klub. We also sent invitations to all the kids who attended Champs Camp in the summer. Our […]

A Full Summer, and Back in the Office

After a summer full of three camps in two different countries, a quick trip to Texas, and a few days vacation time, I am back in the office at the Institute.  I also celebrated my birthday at the end of August (see the photo below).  Several friends here helped me celebrate by taking me to […]

Hillsong Live! and Promoting the Institut

Last night the Hillsong Australia worship team presented a worship concert here in Zagreb.  It was very well attended.  This kind of event is quite a big deal here, in a country that is less than .005% evangelical Christians.  There were also people from the surrounding countries that came.  In addition to Croatia, I talked […]

42nd Annual Bible Camp, August 16-23

I have been involved with the annual summer Bible camp here for almost as long as I have been coming to Croatia.  The first summer I came to participate in the camp was in 1997.  This summer marked the fifth time I was involved.  This summer I taught the teenagers’ class, along with my friend […]